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Vita Charge Stress Tub MOS

Vita Charge Stress Tub MOS

A cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge® without additional handling.

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  • Provides an extremely convenient way to protect animals during stress. Formulated to help animals recover quickly. Does not interfere with antibiotics.
  • Contains Amaferm® and MOS to support the ability to recover from the effects of stress. Amaferm to combat stress resulting in increased intake and nutrient digestion. MOS to trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm. Includes organic Zinc, the antioxidant Vitamin E and B vitamins.
  • Amaferm® is a precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. It is research-proven to combat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system, significantly increasing intake and nutrient utilization.
Ingredient Amount
Contains Amaferm® Yes
Contains MOS Yes
Protein % 16.0
Lysine % Min
Calcium % Min 3.0
Phosphorus % Min 0.5
Salt % Min
Mag % Min 0.2
Potassium % Min 2
Cobalt ppm 30
Organic TMs Inside Cu, Mn, Zn
Cu ppm 400
I ppm 25
Mn ppm 1,140
Se ppm 6.9
Zn ppm 1,675
Vit A IU/lb 150,000
Vit D3 IU/lb 15,000
Vit E IU/lb 1,000
Vitamin B-12 mcg/lb 6.0

Feed to beef cattle using the following guidelines:

1. Consumption should be approximately 0.25-.50 lb. per head, per day.

2. Provide one 200 lb. tub for every 20-30 head.

3. Provide plenty of good quality forage at all times.

4. Free-choice salt should be provided.

5. Provide a fresh, clean water supply at all times.

6. Consumption can vary with weather and feed conditions.

7. If over-consumed, move block farther from water or loafing area.

The above feeding directions are guidelines. Use good management practices adapted to varying conditions.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
033471000866 50