Animal Health & Wellness/Animal Health & Wellness/Fly & Insect Control/

Viper Insect Dust

Viper Insect Dust is a broad-spectrum dust insecticide that will kill over 60 insects on fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals.

Weight:  Price: $
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Use Sites: Poultry, dogs, horses, swine, beef and dairy cattle, vegetables, ornamentals, fruits
Effective Against: Aphids, Leafminers, Flies, Lice, Fleas, Mites, Ticks

Dusting Livestock

Martin’s Viper Dust may be used in shaker cans, dust bags or mechanical dusters. Viper Dust may be placed in a dust bag and suspended in frequent pathways of cattle to combat Horn Flies, Lice and Face Flies. For dairy cows, place Viper Dust in a bag, suspended in the exit through which the dairy cows leave the milking barn. The bags should hang 4-6 inches below the back line of the cattle. For face flies, force the cattle to run against the bag on a daily basis. For Horn Flies and Lice, use 2 oz of dust per animal and dust over head, neck, shoulders, back, and tailhead. Repeat as needed, but not more than once every 3 days.

Swine: To treat for lice, use 1 oz per head. Dust a uniform coat to head, shoulder, and back. Repeat as needed, but no more than once in 10 days. See label for shipping restrictions.

Poultry: Use 1lb per 100 birds for Northern Fowl Mites.

Cats and Dogs

To control fleas, ticks and lice on cats and dogs, work dust into the hair down to the skin. Use product only outside or in a well-ventilated area. Use gloves. Pay attention to feet and legs. Use1/2 oz on animals 20 lbs and under and 1 oz on pets over 20 lbs. Avoid getting Viper Dust in ears, eyes, nose and genital areas. Do not use on dogs or cats under 12 weeks of age. May dust bedding area and cracks and crevices.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
072693401778 4