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Sunglo Explode

Sunglo Explode with Paylean Swine Supplement.

Sunglo Explode is a 23% protein crumble supplement containing Paylean® designed for improved feed efficiency and increase carcass leanness in finishing swine.

Sunglo® ExplodeTM contains Paylean®, an ingredient for increased rate of weight gain, improved feed efficiency and increased carcass leanness in finishing swine, weighing not less than 150 lb., fed a complete ration containing at least 16% crude protein for the last 45 to 90 lb. of gain prior to slaughter.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • Fully-fortified feed supplement for show pigs containing Paylean®
  • Paylean® has been shown to increase carcass leanness and feed efficiency in market hogs
  • Explode™ provides high levels of protein and lysine to help maximize the Paylean® response
  • Protein: 23.00%
  • Fat: 4.00%
  • Fiber: 4.00%
  • Lysine: 1.60%
  • Medication: Paylean
  • Form: Pellet
  • Always provide access to fresh, clean water.
  • Use extra care when handling, loading and transporting pigs that have been fed Paylean. It is recommended to remove Explode from the feed 12 hours before transporting.
  • Check weight gains at set time intervals and adjust daily feeding rate as needed until target weight is reached.
  • Always transition slowly from one ration to another to help avoid digestive upset.
UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
716535001367 25