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Sullivan’s Black Pearl

Sullivan's Black Pearl 32-oz

Sullivan’s Black Pearl, the all-natural liquid black polish for all black animals. Features a proprietary black resin blend to infuse a brilliant black color tone to create extra depth, dimension, shine, and a fresh look to black pigmented livestock, especially hogs. Perfect to cover faded hair and skin, sunburns, stains, scrapes, blemishes, and overall stale appearances. For hogs, apply evenly with a very light misting spray over the entire body, brush in until dry, let air dry for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. Best results, follow with a second or third application to achieve the desired, darkest color possible. Optical brighteners provide a tremendous natural shine to the black color when dry. Best if used as a stand-alone product without adding oil. Easily removed with shampoo.

Weight:  Price: $
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