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Purina Wind and Rain ProCycle Tub

Purina Wind and Rain Clearview Cattle Mineral Tub

Purina Wind and Rain ProCycle is designed for high trace mineral bioavailability, Purina Wind and Rain ProCycle is an elite, cutting-edge mineral with proven consistent consumption designed to get cows bred, keep them bred and deliver to your bottom-line. This mineral offers ultimate trace mineral absorption through a cutting-edge combination of organic and inorganic sources, which supports elite reproductive expectations.

ProCycle includes everything you love about Purina Wind and Rain Mineral, like proven consumption, plus next generation technology to deliver on the highest performance expectations. Purina Wind and Rain ProCycle Mineral is available in a fly control formulation and in bag or tub form, providing a convenient form for any operation.


Weight:  Price: $
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UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
804273063027 60 3006312-613
804273062266 225 3006312-633