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Organic Labs Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray

Organic Labs Organocide Bee Safe 3 in 1 Garden Spray 32 oz

Organocide® BEE SAFE 3-in-1 Garden Spray is an organic, 3-in-1 insecticide, fungicide and miticide. It’s effective on all stages—eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults—of small, soft-bodied insects such as aphids, as well as certain fungal diseases. Derived for organic gardening use from natural sesame and edible fish oils, when used as directed it’s safe around beneficial or large insects such as bees, beetles, ladybugs and butterflies, as well as around your home, children and pets. BEE SAFE 3-in-1 Garden Spray is heavier and more effective than other oils. Safe enough to spray at harvest time, it’s ideal for vegetables, fruits, nuts, vine crops, ornamentals, greenhouse crops, turfgrass, landscape plants, bulbs, flowers and field crops.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • OMRI Listed®, insecticide, fungicide and miticide


    Kills insects by contact and controls diseases

  • Harvest same day

  • Natural oils for organic gardening

  • No harmful neonicotinoids


    No petroleum solvents


1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 cup water

1/4 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons salt


  1. SPRAY; put all ingredients into a spray bottle (be careful as it will foam up) shake gently to mix, then spray on veggies or fruit allow to sit for about 2­5 minutes then rinse under cold water.
  2. SOAK; fill a clean sink or a large basin with cold water; add in vinegar and salt, then swish around with hands (you may also do this in a large bowl). Place the fruit and/or veggies in and allow to sit for 25­30 minutes although I have even left soaking for over an hour (this will not affect the flavor at all, the vinegar cleans and the salt draws out any little bugs, dirt and other small unwanted things, it also will remove some of the wax. Rinse under cold water and dry.
UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing