Horse Feed/Horse Feed/Horse Supplements & Treats/

Manna Pro Opti-Zyme Meal

A Probiotic Supplement for Horses

Opti-Zyme is a powerful source of naturally occurring viable yeast, enzymes and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that supports a healthy digestive tract. This supplement can help maintain a healthy body condition on less feed.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • Fortified with probiotics, viable yeast and enzymes
  • Helps maintain balance in the digestive tract
  • Formulated to support the digestion of hay and grain
  • Helps maintain body condition on less feed
  • Meal form is easy to feed
  • 48-day supply for one mature horse
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae  Min 1.59 x 1011 CFU/lb
Enterococcus Faecium  Min 0.79 x 109 CFU/lb
Lactobacillus Casei  Min 0.32 x 109 CFU/lb
Lactobacillus Acidophilus  Min 0.32 x 109 CFU/lb
Lactobacillus Plantarum  Min 1.59 x 108 CFU/lb
Protease (Bacillus SubtilisBacillus Licheniformis)  Min 33 mg L-tryosine liberated (per min, per lb)
Amylase (Aspergillus OryzaeBacillus Amyloliqifaciens)  Min 60,508 mg starch dextrinized (per min, per lb)
Cellulase (Trichoderma Longibrachiatum)  Min 566 U/lb (one unit will produce a relative fluidity change of 1 in 5 min in a defined carboxymethyl cellulose substrate)

The enclosed scoop holds approximately 1 oz Opti-Zyme.

Top-dress Opti-Zyme at the following levels:

Horses: 1–2 oz/head/day
Beef and Dairy Cattle: 1–2 oz/head/day
Pigs: ¼–½ oz/head/day
Sheep: ¼–½ oz/head/day
Goats: ¼–½ oz/head/day

For Those Who Mix Their Own Feed: Opti-Zyme can be added to the grain mix at a rate of 10–15 lb/T.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
95668994907 3