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Hill’s Natural Fruity Crunchy Snacks with Cranberries & Oatmeal Dog Treat

Hill’s Natural Fruity Crunchy Snacks with Cranberries & Oatmeal dog treats are delicious, natural treats made from only the best ingredients. Every treat is baked with real fruit pieces and will make your dog happy. Not artificially preserved or flavored.

Try our entire portfolio of tasty treat varieties, including Soft Savories, Baked Light Biscuits, Grain Free Biscuits, and Jerky Strips.
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Recommended for:

Normally active puppy (9+ weeks old), adult and mature adult dogs

Nutrient Dry Matter1
Protein 17.2 %
Fat 7 %
Carbohydrate / NFE 68.6 %
Crude Fiber 2.6 %
Calcium 0.91 %
Phosphorus 0.46 %
Potassium 0.29 %
Sodium 0.35 %
Magnesium 0.184 %
Vitamin C 0 ppm
Vitamin E 151 IU/kg
Total Omega-3 FA 0.02 %
Total Omega-6 FA 0.58 %

We know that face is hard to resist, but feed these as a snack as part of a healthy feeding routine with Hill’s dry and canned foods for healthy dogs. Treats should not be more than 10% of a dog’s daily nutrition. For best quality (and a happy dog!), use within 3 weeks of opening.


Adult maintenance

Weight of Dog – lbs (kgs) Amount per Day
5 (2,3) 1
10 (4,5) 1
20 (9,1) 2
30 (14) 3
40 (18) 4
50 (23) 5
60 (27) 6
80 (36) 7
100 (45) 8
120 (54) 9
UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
52742008974 0.00 8.0