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First Saturday Lime Insect Repellent

Eco-friendly insect repellent that’s safe for children, pets, animals, and organic farming when used as directed. A 20-pound bag will surround an average 2,000 sq ft home.

Uses for First Saturday Lime:

  • Protect your home from insects and pests
  • Prevent ants, mites, and other pests from your garden
  • Keep fleas and ticks out of your yard
  • Control algae growth in water bowls, troughs and bird baths
  • Freshen and deodorize barns and chicken coops
  • Use as a limewash for walls, crafts, coops, trees… etc.

Active Ingredients: 0.1% Citric Acid 99.9% Calcite

*Product not intended for human consumption

Weight:  Price: $
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