Swine Feed/Swine Feed/Swine Grower Finisher Feed/

Country Acres Pork Grower-Finisher

Country Acres Pork Finisher is a complete feed for finishing swine.

Weight:  Price: $
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Crude Protein (Min)…14.00%
Lysine (Min)…0.60%
Crude Fat (Min)…1.80%
Crude Fiber (Max)…7.50%
Calcium (Ca) (Min)…0.50%
Calcium (Ca) (Max)…1.00%
Phosphorus (P) (Min)…0.45%
Salt (NaCl) (Min)…0.25%
Salt (NaCl) (Max)…0.75%
Selenium (Se) (Min)…0.30 ppm
Zinc (Zn) (Min)…125.00 ppm

Feed continuously as part of a wean to finish or growing-finishing feeding program. See your company representative for additional program details.

Follow these management practices:
1. Provide a source of fresh, clean water and adequate drinking space per pig at all times.
2. Any ration change should be made gradually.
3. When using a self-feeder, make sure it is adjusted to minimize feed wastage. Feeders should be well managed to provide adequate feeder space, prevent moisture condensation, and to prevent mold and insect development.
4. Provide a draft-free pen with clean, dry sleeping area.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
716603022027 50 0047815