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Bengal UltraDust Fire Ant Killer

Bengal UltraDust Fire Ant Killer is a dust that kills on contact. As fire ant mounds pop up in the yard, a light covering of Bengal is sprinkled on the mound. The killing action starts immediately as the ants come into contact with the dust. Over a period of hours, the dust is spread by the ants through the colony to the queen. Bengal UltraDust Fire Ant Killer requires no watering in and has no odor.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • Odorless
  • No watering-in
  • Kills the queen
  • Kills fire ants on contact
  • Kills the fire ant mound overnight
  • Kills the insects for up to 8 months
  • Faster acting than bait products
  • Does not clump or absorb moisture
  • Also use on roses and ornamental plants
  • Easy-to-use shaker canister
UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
084865936506 12
084865936254 24