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Land O’ Lakes Healthy Edge Protein Blend

Land O Lakes Healthy Edge

This full potential calf milk replacer includes prebiotics, probiotics and intake enhancing components formulated to support a healthy gut microbiome. During times of stress, Healthy Edge Protein Blend encourages consistent intake.

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Milk Replacer Mixing Instructions

First two weeks:

  • Weigh 0.94 pounds of powder and mix with water to make 3 quarts per calf twice daily

Two weeks until weaning:

  • Weigh 1.25 pounds of powder and mix with water to make 4 quarts per calf twice daily

Best Results

Begin feeding calf milk replacer on day 2 after colostrum or colostrum replacer feeding. Provide fresh, clean water along with a high-quality, palatable calf starter feed on a free-choice basis. Only use low sodium water (<50 ppm) when mixing milk replacer and feeding calves.

Water temperature for mixing calf milk replacer should be 110-120 degrees F. Calf milk replacer should be 105 degrees F when delivered to the calf. Always weigh calf milk replacer powder for accurate mixing.

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