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Formula Of Champions Fully Charged

Formula Of Champions Fully Charged. 50-lb bag

A complete feed designed to develop heifers through the show season and provide fill on show day.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • Corn-free feed to keep show heifers from getting too fat
  • High fiber & low energy
  • Contains a combination of Fill ‘Er Up®, corn cob, and cottonseed hulls as high quality fibrous ingredients

Crude Protein (Min.)12.00%

Crude Fat (Min.)2.50%

Crude Fiber (Max.)20.00%

Calcium (Ca) (Min.)0.70%

Calcium (Ca) (Max.)1.20%

Phosphorus (P) (Min.)0.40%

Salt (NaCl) (Min.)0.30%

Salt (NaCl) (Max.)0.80%

Potassium (K) (Min.)0.90%

Vitamin A (Min.)6,000 IU/lb

Feed as the sole grain ration to beef heifers. Heifers
should eat approximately 2.5-3% of bodyweight along
with free choice hay. Free-choice salt and mineral, and
clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
846336005131 50 T5901FOC