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Dr. Naylor Red-Kote Scarlet Red Oil Aerosol

Dr. Naylor Red-Kote Aerosol Spray

The Dr. Naylor Red Kote Aerosol Wound Spray is a veterinary scarlet red oil antiseptic wound dressing. This non-drying, soothing wound spray stimulates new and healthy skin growth while discouraging scar tissue formation. This remains a staple among farmers, equestrians and pet owners, providing your animals effective treatment. For rapid, safe healing of lacerations, wire cuts, scratches, burns, chafes and other superficial wounds, thoroughly clean the wound area and apply Red-Kote once or twice daily.

  • Treats dry scales, leg mites and scaly leg in chickens
  • Treats bumblefoot, fowl pox; wire cuts
  • Useful against proud flesh in horses
  • Helps prevent white hair in healing wounds
Weight:  Price: $
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CAUTION: Do not use on cats. Prevent dogs from licking affected area after treatment.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
032584945101 5