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Aloft LCG Insecticide

Valent Aloft LCG 30 Pound Bag
Weight:  Price: $
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  • Two modes of action for excellent control of insect pests, including white grubs
  • Provides both preventive and curative protection
  • Flexible application options – apply April through early September
  • Fast, systemic control and lasting residual control with one product


Aloft LC G: 1.8 – 3.6 lbs/1,000 sq ft

Do not apply more than a total of 23.3 oz of Aloft LC SC (0.4 lb of clothianidin active ingredient, 0.2 lb bifenthrin) per acre per season.

Do not apply more than a total of 160 lbs of Aloft LC G (0.4 lb of clothianidin active ingredient, 0.2 lb bifenthrin) per acre per season.

If the maximum season limit of Aloft LC SC or G has been applied and pest populations require additional treatments, use another non-clothianidin-based registered pesticide labeled for control of the targeted insects. You may also use additional products containing bifenthrin as long as the maximum amount of bifenthrin does not exceed 0.4 lb per acre per season for use in lawns and perimeters.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing