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Durvet Ivermectin Sheep Drench

Durvet Ivermectin Sheep Drench Bottle

Ivermectin Sheep Drench is a ready-to-use, free-flowing solution of ivermectin. Ivermectin Sheep Drench provides treatment and control of adult and fourth-stage larvae of the following parasites: Gastrointestinal Roundworms – Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia curticei, Nematodirus spathiger, N. battus, and Oesophagostomum columbianum; Lungworms – Dictyocaulus filaria; and all the larval stages of Nasal Bot – Oestrus ovis. It also provides treatment and control of adult forms only of the following Gastrointestinal Roundworms – Haemonchus placei, Cooperia oncophora, Strongyloides papillosus, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Trichuris ovis, and Chabertia ovina.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • Unique chemistry-unrelated to existing formulations – Ivermectin Sheep Drench is chemically different, cross-resistance is unlikely in parasite strains which may have developed resistance to other wormers.
  • Broad-spectrum effectiveness – One low-volume dose effectively treats and controls many gastrointestinal roundworms (including Haemonchus contortus), lungworms, and nasal bots.
  • Easy administration – can be administered with any standard drenching equipment or any equipment that provides a consistent dose volume.

Ivermectin Sheep Drench may be used in any standard drenching equipment or in any equipment which provides a consistent dose volume.

Administer orally at a dose of 3.0 mL (2.4 mg ivermectin) per 26 lbs body weight or 200 mcg ivermectin per kilogram of body weight.

Coughing may be observed in some animals during and for several minutes following drenching.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
745801110670 9.6