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Ferti-lome Spinosad Insect Control

Ferti Lome Spinosad 16 Ounce Bottle

Use on Vegetables, Fruits & Citrus to Kill Leafminers, Borers, Leaf Roller, Thrips, Worms (Caterpillars), Colorado Potato Beetles and other listed insects. Use on Lawns, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & Flowers to Kill Armyworms, Sod Webworms, Cat Fleas, Loopers, Bagworms, Tent Caterpillars and other listed insects.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • For control of Spinosad Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar & Chewing Insects
  • For Residential Use on Citrus, Fruits, Vegetables & Lawns, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & Flowers
  • On vegetables, fruit and citrus, it kills Leafminers, Borers, Leaf Rollers, Thrips, Worms Caterpillars, Colorado Potato Beetle and other listed insects
  • On lawns and ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers, it kills Armyworms, Sod Webworms, Cat Flies, Loopers, Bagworms, Tent Caterpillars and other listed insects
UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
732221160620 16
732221160637 32