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Bonide Turf Turbo

Bonide Turbo Turf 30 lb Bag

High efficiency lime, much more than simply a quick fix for soil pH! Our high quality calcium product is essential for healthy cell division, root growth, and efficient nutrient uptake. Turf Turbo improves soil structure, water infiltration, resistance to insect and disease damage as well as stress and drought tolerance. 30 lbs. treats 5000 sq. ft. to maintain proper pH, 2500 sq. ft. to raise pH ½ point.

Weight:  Price: $
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  • 30 lb., Turf Turbo Fast Acting Lime
  • Works super fast to raise the pH of acidic soils to keep lawns healthy, and to help fertilizers work more effectively
  • Apply 15 lbs. to 2,500 square feet to raise the pH by a point; Apply to 5,000 square feet to maintain pH
  • Pelletized for easy application
  • Favored by grasses, and plants

Stop! Read the entire label first. Observe all precautions and follow directions carefully.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing
5990872710815 30 60447