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Purina Accuration Range Liquid 10% Fat

Purina Accuration Range Liquid

Accuration® Range Liquid is a liquid protein-energy supplement designed for free-choice feeding to pasture cattle.

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Contains 10% fat for high energy
Increases level of readily available energy in ration to optimize body condition score, weight gains, and efficiency.

Contains protein, vitamins and minerals
Furnishes all nutrients necessary to balance deficiencies in range cattle diets.

Encourages grazing time and forage utilization
Intake Modifying Technology® causes cattle to consume multiple small snacks daily of the supplement, which optimizes the flow of nutrients to the digestive system, thereby encouraging the utilization of available forages.

Molasses-fat blend
Easy to store and handle in bulk.

Feed free choice from a lick wheel or similar type of feeder that will limit intake. Optimum intake of this product is 1 to 3 pounds per head daily for cows consuming adequate quantities of forage.

UPC Weight(lbs) Weight(oz) SKU Model # Pricing